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File: screen.css

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  Classes of Giovanni Ramos   PHP Weather Forecast API   screen.css   Download  
File: screen.css
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Weather Forecast API
Get the weather forecast from World Weather Online
Author: By
Last change: Update of screen.css
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 4,040 bytes


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/* ------------------------------------------------------------- SCREEN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ html, body, div, span, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, code, a, abbr, acronym, address, sup, del, dfn, em, img, q, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, form, fieldset, label, legend, caption, table, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td { font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-size: 100%; font-family: inherit; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0; vertical-align: baseline; } body { background: #efefef; font: 12px/1.7em arial, sans-serif; } hr { border: none; border-bottom: #ccc 1px dotted; margin-bottom: 2em; margin-top: 1em; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { color: #111; margin-bottom: .75em; } h1 { font-size: 30px; line-height: 1em; } h2 { font-size: 24px; color: #222; font-weight: normal; margin-bottom: 1em; } h3 { font-size: 16px; color: #333; line-height: 1; margin-bottom: .75em; } h4 { font-size: 14px; color: #666; line-height: 1.25; margin-bottom: 1.25em; } h5 { font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 1.5em; } h6 { font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; } p { margin: 0 0 1.5em; } p.last { margin-bottom: 0; } blockquote { margin: 1.5em; color: #666; font-style: italic; } pre, code { margin: 1.5em 0; white-space: pre; } pre, code { font: 12px 'andale mono', '', 'lucida console', monospace; line-height: 1.5; } a { color: #358; text-decoration: underline; } a:visited { color: #667; } a:focus, a:hover { color: #933; } abbr, acronym { border-bottom: 1px dotted #666; } address { margin-top: 1.5em; font-style: italic; } sup { font-size: 9px; vertical-align: top; } del { color: #666; } dfn { font-weight: bold; } dfn, em { font-style: italic; background: #ffc; } img { border: none; } dl { margin: 0 0 1.5em 0; } dl dt { font-weight: bold; } dd { margin-left: 1.5em; } ul, ol { margin-left: 28px; margin-bottom: 1.5em; } li { margin-bottom: .5em; } ul li { list-style-type: disc; } li ul, li ol { margin-top: 1em; } strong { font-weight: bold; } table { width: 100%; border: 0; margin-bottom: 2em; } table th { font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; } table td { vertical-align: top; } table thead th { color: #fff; background-color: #263849 !important; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-width: 0 1px; text-align: left; padding: 10px 0; padding: 6px 10px; } table tbody tr td { background: #fff; border-bottom: 1px dotted #ddd; padding: 10px 10px 10px 20px; } table tr:nth-child(odd) { background-color: #f9f9f9; } table tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #fff; } table tr.even td { background: #f9f9f9; } body { background: #fff; color: #000000; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 62.5%; margin: 20px } .weather_now { display: inline-block; background: #eee; border-top: solid 4px #09c; width: 210px; margin: 0 0 40px 0; padding: 5px; } .weather_forecast { display: inline-block; position: relative; background: #f1f1f1; border-top: solid 4px #09c; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; } .weather_forecast .block { display: inline-block; position: relative; float: left; width: 64px; height: 64px; } .weather_forecast .block1 { } .weather_forecast .block2 { width: 110px; padding: 0 5px; } .weather_forecast .block2 span { line-height: 16px; } .weather_forecast .block3 { } .weather_forecast span.wday, .weather_forecast { display: block; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; } .weather_forecast span.desc, .weather_forecast span.icon, .weather_forecast span.wind { display: block; } .weather_forecast span.tmax { position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 15px; color: red; line-height: 40px; font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold; } .weather_forecast span.tmin { position: absolute; top: 25px; right: 10px; color: blue; line-height: 40px; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; } .clear { clear: both; }