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File: toastui/src/js/imageEditor.js

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  Classes of Mark de Leon   PHP Document Scanner using SANE or eSCL AirPrint   toastui/src/js/imageEditor.js   Download  
File: toastui/src/js/imageEditor.js
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Document Scanner using SANE or eSCL AirPrint
Web interface to scan printed documents
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Class file image Download
/** * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <> * @fileoverview Image-editor application class */ import snippet from 'tui-code-snippet'; import Promise from 'core-js/library/es6/promise'; import Invoker from './invoker'; import UI from './ui'; import action from './action'; import commandFactory from './factory/command'; import Graphics from './graphics'; import consts from './consts'; import {sendHostName} from './util'; const events = consts.eventNames; const commands = consts.commandNames; const {keyCodes, rejectMessages} = consts; const {isUndefined, forEach, CustomEvents} = snippet; /** * Image editor * @class * @param {string|HTMLElement} wrapper - Wrapper's element or selector * @param {Object} [options] - Canvas max width & height of css * @param {number} [options.includeUI] - Use the provided UI * @param {Object} [options.includeUI.loadImage] - Basic editing image * @param {string} options.includeUI.loadImage.path - image path * @param {string} - image name * @param {Object} [options.includeUI.theme] - Theme object * @param {Array} [] - It can be selected when only specific menu is used. [default all] * @param {string} [options.includeUI.initMenu] - The first menu to be selected and started. * @param {Object} [options.includeUI.uiSize] - ui size of editor * @param {string} options.includeUI.uiSize.width - width of ui * @param {string} options.includeUI.uiSize.height - height of ui * @param {string} [options.includeUI.menuBarPosition=bottom] - Menu bar position [top | bottom | left | right] * @param {number} options.cssMaxWidth - Canvas css-max-width * @param {number} options.cssMaxHeight - Canvas css-max-height * @param {Object} [options.selectionStyle] - selection style * @param {string} [options.selectionStyle.cornerStyle] - selection corner style * @param {number} [options.selectionStyle.cornerSize] - selection corner size * @param {string} [options.selectionStyle.cornerColor] - selection corner color * @param {string} [options.selectionStyle.cornerStrokeColor] = selection corner stroke color * @param {boolean} [options.selectionStyle.transparentCorners] - selection corner transparent * @param {number} [options.selectionStyle.lineWidth] - selection line width * @param {string} [options.selectionStyle.borderColor] - selection border color * @param {number} [options.selectionStyle.rotatingPointOffset] - selection rotating point length * @param {Boolean} [options.usageStatistics=true] - Let us know the hostname. If you don't want to send the hostname, please set to false. * @example * var ImageEditor = require('tui-image-editor'); * var blackTheme = require('./js/theme/black-theme.js'); * var instance = new ImageEditor(document.querySelector('#tui-image-editor'), { * includeUI: { * loadImage: { * path: 'img/sampleImage.jpg', * name: 'SampleImage' * }, * theme: blackTheme, // or whiteTheme * menu: ['shape', 'filter'], * initMenu: 'filter', * uiSize: { * width: '1000px', * height: '700px' * }, * menuBarPosition: 'bottom' * }, * cssMaxWidth: 700, * cssMaxHeight: 500, * selectionStyle: { * cornerSize: 20, * rotatingPointOffset: 70 * } * }); */ class ImageEditor { constructor(wrapper, options) { options = snippet.extend({ includeUI: false, usageStatistics: true }, options); this.mode = null; this.activeObjectId = null; /** * UI instance * @type {Ui} */ if (options.includeUI) { this.ui = new UI(wrapper, options.includeUI, this.getActions()); options = this.ui.setUiDefaultSelectionStyle(options); } /** * Invoker * @type {Invoker} * @private */ this._invoker = new Invoker(); /** * Graphics instance * @type {Graphics} * @private */ this._graphics = new Graphics( this.ui ? this.ui.getEditorArea() : wrapper, { cssMaxWidth: options.cssMaxWidth, cssMaxHeight: options.cssMaxHeight, useItext: !!this.ui, useDragAddIcon: !!this.ui } ); /** * Event handler list * @type {Object} * @private */ this._handlers = { keydown: this._onKeyDown.bind(this), mousedown: this._onMouseDown.bind(this), objectActivated: this._onObjectActivated.bind(this), objectMoved: this._onObjectMoved.bind(this), objectScaled: this._onObjectScaled.bind(this), createdPath: this._onCreatedPath, addText: this._onAddText.bind(this), addObject: this._onAddObject.bind(this), addObjectAfter: this._onAddObjectAfter.bind(this), textEditing: this._onTextEditing.bind(this), textChanged: this._onTextChanged.bind(this), iconCreateResize: this._onIconCreateResize.bind(this), iconCreateEnd: this._onIconCreateEnd.bind(this), selectionCleared: this._selectionCleared.bind(this), selectionCreated: this._selectionCreated.bind(this) }; this._attachInvokerEvents(); this._attachGraphicsEvents(); this._attachDomEvents(); this._setSelectionStyle(options.selectionStyle, { applyCropSelectionStyle: options.applyCropSelectionStyle, applyGroupSelectionStyle: options.applyGroupSelectionStyle }); if (options.usageStatistics) { sendHostName(); } if (this.ui) { this.ui.initCanvas(); this.setReAction(); } } /** * Image filter result * @typedef {Object} FilterResult * @property {string} type - filter type like 'mask', 'Grayscale' and so on * @property {string} action - action type like 'add', 'remove' */ /** * Flip status * @typedef {Object} FlipStatus * @property {boolean} flipX - x axis * @property {boolean} flipY - y axis * @property {Number} angle - angle */ /** * Rotation status * @typedef {Number} RotateStatus * @property {Number} angle - angle */ /** * Old and new Size * @typedef {Object} SizeChange * @property {Number} oldWidth - old width * @property {Number} oldHeight - old height * @property {Number} newWidth - new width * @property {Number} newHeight - new height */ /** * @typedef {string} ErrorMsg - {string} error message */ /** * @typedef {Object} ObjectProps - graphics object properties * @property {number} id - object id * @property {string} type - object type * @property {string} text - text content * @property {(string | number)} left - Left * @property {(string | number)} top - Top * @property {(string | number)} width - Width * @property {(string | number)} height - Height * @property {string} fill - Color * @property {string} stroke - Stroke * @property {(string | number)} strokeWidth - StrokeWidth * @property {string} fontFamily - Font type for text * @property {number} fontSize - Font Size * @property {string} fontStyle - Type of inclination (normal / italic) * @property {string} fontWeight - Type of thicker or thinner looking (normal / bold) * @property {string} textAlign - Type of text align (left / center / right) * @property {string} textDecoraiton - Type of line (underline / line-throgh / overline) */ /** * Set selection style by init option * @param {Object} selectionStyle - Selection styles * @param {Object} applyTargets - Selection apply targets * @param {boolean} applyCropSelectionStyle - whether apply with crop selection style or not * @param {boolean} applyGroupSelectionStyle - whether apply with group selection style or not * @private */ _setSelectionStyle(selectionStyle, {applyCropSelectionStyle, applyGroupSelectionStyle}) { if (selectionStyle) { this._graphics.setSelectionStyle(selectionStyle); } if (applyCropSelectionStyle) { this._graphics.setCropSelectionStyle(selectionStyle); } if (applyGroupSelectionStyle) { this.on('selectionCreated', eventTarget => { if (eventTarget.type === 'group') { eventTarget.set(selectionStyle); } }); } } /** * Attach invoker events * @private */ _attachInvokerEvents() { const { UNDO_STACK_CHANGED, REDO_STACK_CHANGED } = events; /** * Undo stack changed event * @event ImageEditor#undoStackChanged * @param {Number} length - undo stack length * @example * imageEditor.on('undoStackChanged', function(length) { * console.log(length); * }); */ this._invoker.on(UNDO_STACK_CHANGED,, UNDO_STACK_CHANGED)); /** * Redo stack changed event * @event ImageEditor#redoStackChanged * @param {Number} length - redo stack length * @example * imageEditor.on('redoStackChanged', function(length) { * console.log(length); * }); */ this._invoker.on(REDO_STACK_CHANGED,, REDO_STACK_CHANGED)); } /** * Attach canvas events * @private */ _attachGraphicsEvents() { this._graphics.on({ 'mousedown': this._handlers.mousedown, 'objectMoved': this._handlers.objectMoved, 'objectScaled': this._handlers.objectScaled, 'objectActivated': this._handlers.objectActivated, 'addText': this._handlers.addText, 'addObject': this._handlers.addObject, 'textEditing': this._handlers.textEditing, 'textChanged': this._handlers.textChanged, 'iconCreateResize': this._handlers.iconCreateResize, 'iconCreateEnd': this._handlers.iconCreateEnd, 'selectionCleared': this._handlers.selectionCleared, 'selectionCreated': this._handlers.selectionCreated, 'addObjectAfter': this._handlers.addObjectAfter }); } /** * Attach dom events * @private */ _attachDomEvents() { // ImageEditor supports IE 9 higher document.addEventListener('keydown', this._handlers.keydown); } /** * Detach dom events * @private */ _detachDomEvents() { // ImageEditor supports IE 9 higher document.removeEventListener('keydown', this._handlers.keydown); } /** * Keydown event handler * @param {KeyboardEvent} e - Event object * @private */ /* eslint-disable complexity */ _onKeyDown(e) { const activeObject = this._graphics.getActiveObject(); const activeObjectGroup = this._graphics.getActiveGroupObject(); const existRemoveObject = activeObject || activeObjectGroup; if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && e.keyCode === keyCodes.Z) { // There is no error message on shortcut when it's empty this.undo()['catch'](() => {}); } if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && e.keyCode === keyCodes.Y) { // There is no error message on shortcut when it's empty this.redo()['catch'](() => {}); } if (((e.keyCode === keyCodes.BACKSPACE || e.keyCode === keyCodes.DEL) && existRemoveObject)) { e.preventDefault(); this.removeActiveObject(); } } /* eslint-enable complexity */ /** * Remove Active Object */ removeActiveObject() { const activeObject = this._graphics.getActiveObject(); const activeObjectGroup = this._graphics.getActiveGroupObject(); if (activeObjectGroup) { const objects = activeObjectGroup.getObjects(); this.discardSelection(); this._removeObjectStream(objects); } else if (activeObject) { const activeObjectId = this._graphics.getObjectId(activeObject); this.removeObject(activeObjectId); } } /** * RemoveObject Sequential processing for prevent invoke lock * @param {Array.<Object>} targetObjects - target Objects for remove * @returns {object} targetObjects * @private */ _removeObjectStream(targetObjects) { if (!targetObjects.length) { return true; } const targetObject = targetObjects.pop(); return this.removeObject(this._graphics.getObjectId(targetObject)).then(() => ( this._removeObjectStream(targetObjects) )); } /** * mouse down event handler * @param {Event} event mouse down event * @param {Object} originPointer origin pointer * @param {Number} originPointer.x x position * @param {Number} originPointer.y y position * @private */ _onMouseDown(event, originPointer) { /** * The mouse down event with position x, y on canvas * @event ImageEditor#mousedown * @param {Object} event - browser mouse event object * @param {Object} originPointer origin pointer * @param {Number} originPointer.x x position * @param {Number} originPointer.y y position * @example * imageEditor.on('mousedown', function(event, originPointer) { * console.log(event); * console.log(originPointer); * if (imageEditor.hasFilter('colorFilter')) { * imageEditor.applyFilter('colorFilter', { * x: parseInt(originPointer.x, 10), * y: parseInt(originPointer.y, 10) * }); * } * }); */, event, originPointer); } /** * Add a 'addObject' command * @param {Object} obj - Fabric object * @private */ _pushAddObjectCommand(obj) { const command = commandFactory.create(commands.ADD_OBJECT, this._graphics, obj); this._invoker.pushUndoStack(command); } /** * 'objectActivated' event handler * @param {ObjectProps} props - object properties * @private */ _onObjectActivated(props) { /** * The event when object is selected(aka activated). * @event ImageEditor#objectActivated * @param {ObjectProps} objectProps - object properties * @example * imageEditor.on('objectActivated', function(props) { * console.log(props); * console.log(props.type); * console.log(; * }); */, props); } /** * 'objectMoved' event handler * @param {ObjectProps} props - object properties * @private */ _onObjectMoved(props) { /** * The event when object is moved * @event ImageEditor#objectMoved * @param {ObjectProps} props - object properties * @example * imageEditor.on('objectMoved', function(props) { * console.log(props); * console.log(props.type); * }); */, props); } /** * 'objectScaled' event handler * @param {ObjectProps} props - object properties * @private */ _onObjectScaled(props) { /** * The event when scale factor is changed * @event ImageEditor#objectScaled * @param {ObjectProps} props - object properties * @example * imageEditor.on('objectScaled', function(props) { * console.log(props); * console.log(props.type); * }); */, props); } /** * Get current drawing mode * @returns {string} * @example * // Image editor drawing mode * // * // NORMAL: 'NORMAL' * // CROPPER: 'CROPPER' * // FREE_DRAWING: 'FREE_DRAWING' * // LINE_DRAWING: 'LINE_DRAWING' * // TEXT: 'TEXT' * // * if (imageEditor.getDrawingMode() === 'FREE_DRAWING') { * imageEditor.stopDrawingMode(); * } */ getDrawingMode() { return this._graphics.getDrawingMode(); } /** * Clear all objects * @returns {Promise} * @example * imageEditor.clearObjects(); */ clearObjects() { return this.execute(commands.CLEAR_OBJECTS); } /** * Deactivate all objects * @example * imageEditor.deactivateAll(); */ deactivateAll() { this._graphics.deactivateAll(); this._graphics.renderAll(); } /** * discard selction * @example * imageEditor.discardSelection(); */ discardSelection() { this._graphics.discardSelection(); } /** * selectable status change * @param {boolean} selectable - selctable status * @example * imageEditor.changeSelectableAll(false); // or true */ changeSelectableAll(selectable) { this._graphics.changeSelectableAll(selectable); } /** * Invoke command * @param {String} commandName - Command name * @param {...*} args - Arguments for creating command * @returns {Promise} * @private */ execute(commandName, ...args) { // Inject an Graphics instance as first parameter const theArgs = [this._graphics].concat(args); return this._invoker.execute(commandName, ...theArgs); } /** * Undo * @returns {Promise} * @example * imageEditor.undo(); */ undo() { return this._invoker.undo(); } /** * Redo * @returns {Promise} * @example * imageEditor.redo(); */ redo() { return this._invoker.redo(); } /** * Load image from file * @param {File} imgFile - Image file * @param {string} [imageName] - imageName * @returns {Promise<SizeChange, ErrorMsg>} * @example * imageEditor.loadImageFromFile(file).then(result => { * console.log('old : ' + result.oldWidth + ', ' + result.oldHeight); * console.log('new : ' + result.newWidth + ', ' + result.newHeight); * }); */ loadImageFromFile(imgFile, imageName) { if (!imgFile) { return Promise.reject(rejectMessages.invalidParameters); } const imgUrl = URL.createObjectURL(imgFile); imageName = imageName ||; return this.loadImageFromURL(imgUrl, imageName).then(value => { URL.revokeObjectURL(imgFile); return value; }); } /** * Load image from url * @param {string} url - File url * @param {string} imageName - imageName * @returns {Promise<SizeChange, ErrorMsg>} * @example * imageEditor.loadImageFromURL('http://url/testImage.png', 'lena').then(result => { * console.log('old : ' + result.oldWidth + ', ' + result.oldHeight); * console.log('new : ' + result.newWidth + ', ' + result.newHeight); * }); */ loadImageFromURL(url, imageName) { if (!imageName || !url) { return Promise.reject(rejectMessages.invalidParameters); } return this.execute(commands.LOAD_IMAGE, imageName, url); } /** * Add image object on canvas * @param {string} imgUrl - Image url to make object * @returns {Promise<ObjectProps, ErrorMsg>} * @example * imageEditor.addImageObject('path/fileName.jpg').then(objectProps => { * console.log(; * }); */ addImageObject(imgUrl) { if (!imgUrl) { return Promise.reject(rejectMessages.invalidParameters); } return this.execute(commands.ADD_IMAGE_OBJECT, imgUrl); } /** * Start a drawing mode. If the current mode is not 'NORMAL', 'stopDrawingMode()' will be called first. * @param {String} mode Can be one of <I>'CROPPER', 'FREE_DRAWING', 'LINE_DRAWING', 'TEXT', 'SHAPE'</I> * @param {Object} [option] parameters of drawing mode, it's available with 'FREE_DRAWING', 'LINE_DRAWING' * @param {Number} [option.width] brush width * @param {String} [option.color] brush color * @returns {boolean} true if success or false * @example * imageEditor.startDrawingMode('FREE_DRAWING', { * width: 10, * color: 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)' * }); */ startDrawingMode(mode, option) { return this._graphics.startDrawingMode(mode, option); } /** * Stop the current drawing mode and back to the 'NORMAL' mode * @example * imageEditor.stopDrawingMode(); */ stopDrawingMode() { this._graphics.stopDrawingMode(); } /** * Crop this image with rect * @param {Object} rect crop rect * @param {Number} rect.left left position * @param {Number} top position * @param {Number} rect.width width * @param {Number} rect.height height * @returns {Promise} * @example * imageEditor.crop(imageEditor.getCropzoneRect()); */ crop(rect) { const data = this._graphics.getCroppedImageData(rect); if (!data) { return Promise.reject(rejectMessages.invalidParameters); } return this.loadImageFromURL(data.url, data.imageName); } /** * Get the cropping rect * @returns {Object} {{left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number}} rect */ getCropzoneRect() { return this._graphics.getCropzoneRect(); } /** * Set the cropping rect * @param {number} [mode] crop rect mode [1, 1.5, 1.3333333333333333, 1.25, 1.7777777777777777] */ setCropzoneRect(mode) { this._graphics.setCropzoneRect(mode); } /** * Flip * @returns {Promise} * @param {string} type - 'flipX' or 'flipY' or 'reset' * @returns {Promise<FlipStatus, ErrorMsg>} * @private */ _flip(type) { return this.execute(commands.FLIP_IMAGE, type); } /** * Flip x * @returns {Promise<FlipStatus, ErrorMsg>} * @example * imageEditor.flipX().then((status => { * console.log('flipX: ', status.flipX); * console.log('flipY: ', status.flipY); * console.log('angle: ', status.angle); * }).catch(message => { * console.log('error: ', message); * }); */ flipX() { return this._flip('flipX'); } /** * Flip y * @returns {Promise<FlipStatus, ErrorMsg>} * @example * imageEditor.flipY().then(status => { * console.log('flipX: ', status.flipX); * console.log('flipY: ', status.flipY); * console.log('angle: ', status.angle); * }).catch(message => { * console.log('error: ', message); * }); */ flipY() { return this._flip('flipY'); } /** * Reset flip * @returns {Promise<FlipStatus, ErrorMsg>} * @example * imageEditor.resetFlip().then(status => { * console.log('flipX: ', status.flipX); * console.log('flipY: ', status.flipY); * console.log('angle: ', status.angle); * }).catch(message => { * console.log('error: ', message); * });; */ resetFlip() { return this._flip('reset'); } /** * @param {string} type - 'rotate' or 'setAngle' * @param {number} angle - angle value (degree) * @returns {Promise<RotateStatus, ErrorMsg>} * @private */ _rotate(type, angle) { return this.execute(commands.ROTATE_IMAGE, type, angle); } /** * Rotate image * @returns {Promise} * @param {number} angle - Additional angle to rotate image * @returns {Promise<RotateStatus, ErrorMsg>} * @example * imageEditor.setAngle(10); // angle = 10 * imageEditor.rotate(10); // angle = 20 * imageEidtor.setAngle(5); // angle = 5 * imageEidtor.rotate(-95); // angle = -90 * imageEditor.rotate(10).then(status => { * console.log('angle: ', status.angle); * })).catch(message => { * console.log('error: ', message); * }); */ rotate(angle) { return this._rotate('rotate', angle); } /** * Set angle * @param {number} angle - Angle of image * @returns {Promise<RotateStatus, ErrorMsg>} * @example * imageEditor.setAngle(10); // angle = 10 * imageEditor.rotate(10); // angle = 20 * imageEidtor.setAngle(5); // angle = 5 * imageEidtor.rotate(50); // angle = 55 * imageEidtor.setAngle(-40); // angle = -40 * imageEditor.setAngle(10).then(status => { * console.log('angle: ', status.angle); * })).catch(message => { * console.log('error: ', message); * }); */ setAngle(angle) { return this._rotate('setAngle', angle); } /** * Set drawing brush * @param {Object} option brush option * @param {Number} option.width width * @param {String} option.color color like 'FFFFFF', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' * @example * imageEditor.startDrawingMode('FREE_DRAWING'); * imageEditor.setBrush({ * width: 12, * color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' * }); * imageEditor.setBrush({ * width: 8, * color: 'FFFFFF' * }); */ setBrush(option) { this._graphics.setBrush(option); } /** * Set states of current drawing shape * @param {string} type - Shape type (ex: 'rect', 'circle', 'triangle') * @param {Object} [options] - Shape options * @param {string} [options.fill] - Shape foreground color (ex: '#fff', 'transparent') * @param {string} [options.stoke] - Shape outline color * @param {number} [options.strokeWidth] - Shape outline width * @param {number} [options.width] - Width value (When type option is 'rect', this options can use) * @param {number} [options.height] - Height value (When type option is 'rect', this options can use) * @param {number} [options.rx] - Radius x value (When type option is 'circle', this options can use) * @param {number} [options.ry] - Radius y value (When type option is 'circle', this options can use) * @param {number} [options.isRegular] - Whether resizing shape has 1:1 ratio or not * @example * imageEditor.setDrawingShape('rect', { * fill: 'red', * width: 100, * height: 200 * }); * @example * imageEditor.setDrawingShape('circle', { * fill: 'transparent', * stroke: 'blue', * strokeWidth: 3, * rx: 10, * ry: 100 * }); * @example * imageEditor.setDrawingShape('triangle', { // When resizing, the shape keep the 1:1 ratio * width: 1, * height: 1, * isRegular: true * }); * @example * imageEditor.setDrawingShape('circle', { // When resizing, the shape keep the 1:1 ratio * rx: 10, * ry: 10, * isRegular: true * }); */ setDrawingShape(type, options) { this._graphics.setDrawingShape(type, options); } /** * Add shape * @param {string} type - Shape type (ex: 'rect', 'circle', 'triangle') * @param {Object} options - Shape options * @param {string} [options.fill] - Shape foreground color (ex: '#fff', 'transparent') * @param {string} [options.stroke] - Shape outline color * @param {number} [options.strokeWidth] - Shape outline width * @param {number} [options.width] - Width value (When type option is 'rect', this options can use) * @param {number} [options.height] - Height value (When type option is 'rect', this options can use) * @param {number} [options.rx] - Radius x value (When type option is 'circle', this options can use) * @param {number} [options.ry] - Radius y value (When type option is 'circle', this options can use) * @param {number} [options.left] - Shape x position * @param {number} [] - Shape y position * @param {boolean} [options.isRegular] - Whether resizing shape has 1:1 ratio or not * @returns {Promise<ObjectProps, ErrorMsg>} * @example * imageEditor.addShape('rect', { * fill: 'red', * stroke: 'blue', * strokeWidth: 3, * width: 100, * height: 200, * left: 10, * top: 10, * isRegular: true * }); * @example * imageEditor.addShape('circle', { * fill: 'red', * stroke: 'blue', * strokeWidth: 3, * rx: 10, * ry: 100, * isRegular: false * }).then(objectProps => { * console.log(; * }); */ addShape(type, options) { options = options || {}; this._setPositions(options); return this.execute(commands.ADD_SHAPE, type, options); } /** * Change shape * @param {number} id - object id * @param {Object} options - Shape options * @param {string} [options.fill] - Shape foreground color (ex: '#fff', 'transparent') * @param {string} [options.stroke] - Shape outline color * @param {number} [options.strokeWidth] - Shape outline width * @param {number} [options.width] - Width value (When type option is 'rect', this options can use) * @param {number} [options.height] - Height value (When type option is 'rect', this options can use) * @param {number} [options.rx] - Radius x value (When type option is 'circle', this options can use) * @param {number} [options.ry] - Radius y value (When type option is 'circle', this options can use) * @param {boolean} [options.isRegular] - Whether resizing shape has 1:1 ratio or not * @returns {Promise} * @example * // call after selecting shape object on canvas * imageEditor.changeShape(id, { // change rectagle or triangle * fill: 'red', * stroke: 'blue', * strokeWidth: 3, * width: 100, * height: 200 * }); * @example * // call after selecting shape object on canvas * imageEditor.changeShape(id, { // change circle * fill: 'red', * stroke: 'blue', * strokeWidth: 3, * rx: 10, * ry: 100 * }); */ changeShape(id, options) { return this.execute(commands.CHANGE_SHAPE, id, options); } /** * Add text on image * @param {string} text - Initial input text * @param {Object} [options] Options for generating text * @param {Object} [options.styles] Initial styles * @param {string} [options.styles.fill] Color * @param {string} [options.styles.fontFamily] Font type for text * @param {number} [options.styles.fontSize] Size * @param {string} [options.styles.fontStyle] Type of inclination (normal / italic) * @param {string} [options.styles.fontWeight] Type of thicker or thinner looking (normal / bold) * @param {string} [options.styles.textAlign] Type of text align (left / center / right) * @param {string} [options.styles.textDecoraiton] Type of line (underline / line-throgh / overline) * @param {{x: number, y: number}} [options.position] - Initial position * @returns {Promise} * @example * imageEditor.addText('init text'); * @example * imageEditor.addText('init text', { * styles: { * fill: '#000', * fontSize: 20, * fontWeight: 'bold' * }, * position: { * x: 10, * y: 10 * } * }).then(objectProps => { * console.log(; * }); */ addText(text, options) { text = text || ''; options = options || {}; return this.execute(commands.ADD_TEXT, text, options); } /** * Change contents of selected text object on image * @param {number} id - object id * @param {string} text - Changing text * @returns {Promise<ObjectProps, ErrorMsg>} * @example * imageEditor.changeText(id, 'change text'); */ changeText(id, text) { text = text || ''; return this.execute(commands.CHANGE_TEXT, id, text); } /** * Set style * @param {number} id - object id * @param {Object} styleObj - text styles * @param {string} [styleObj.fill] Color * @param {string} [styleObj.fontFamily] Font type for text * @param {number} [styleObj.fontSize] Size * @param {string} [styleObj.fontStyle] Type of inclination (normal / italic) * @param {string} [styleObj.fontWeight] Type of thicker or thinner looking (normal / bold) * @param {string} [styleObj.textAlign] Type of text align (left / center / right) * @param {string} [styleObj.textDecoraiton] Type of line (underline / line-throgh / overline) * @returns {Promise} * @example * imageEditor.changeTextStyle(id, { * fontStyle: 'italic' * }); */ changeTextStyle(id, styleObj) { return this.execute(commands.CHANGE_TEXT_STYLE, id, styleObj); } /** * change text mode * @param {string} type - change type * @private */ _changeActivateMode(type) { if (type !== 'ICON' && this.getDrawingMode() !== type) { this.startDrawingMode(type); } } /** * 'textChanged' event handler * @param {Object} objectProps changed object properties * @private */ _onTextChanged(objectProps) { this.changeText(, objectProps.text); } /** * 'iconCreateResize' event handler * @param {Object} originPointer origin pointer * @param {Number} originPointer.x x position * @param {Number} originPointer.y y position * @private */ _onIconCreateResize(originPointer) {, originPointer); } /** * 'iconCreateEnd' event handler * @param {Object} originPointer origin pointer * @param {Number} originPointer.x x position * @param {Number} originPointer.y y position * @private */ _onIconCreateEnd(originPointer) {, originPointer); } /** * 'textEditing' event handler * @private */ _onTextEditing() { /** * The event which starts to edit text object * @event ImageEditor#textEditing * @example * imageEditor.on('textEditing', function() { * console.log('text editing'); * }); */; } /** * Mousedown event handler in case of 'TEXT' drawing mode * @param {fabric.Event} event - Current mousedown event object * @private */ _onAddText(event) { /** * The event when 'TEXT' drawing mode is enabled and click non-object area. * @event ImageEditor#addText * @param {Object} pos * @param {Object} pos.originPosition - Current position on origin canvas * @param {Number} pos.originPosition.x - x * @param {Number} pos.originPosition.y - y * @param {Object} pos.clientPosition - Current position on client area * @param {Number} pos.clientPosition.x - x * @param {Number} pos.clientPosition.y - y * @example * imageEditor.on('addText', function(pos) { * console.log('text position on canvas: ' + pos.originPosition); * console.log('text position on brwoser: ' + pos.clientPosition); * }); */, { originPosition: event.originPosition, clientPosition: event.clientPosition }); } /** * 'addObject' event handler * @param {Object} objectProps added object properties * @private */ _onAddObject(objectProps) { const obj = this._graphics.getObject(; this._pushAddObjectCommand(obj); } /** * 'addObjectAfter' event handler * @param {Object} objectProps added object properties * @private */ _onAddObjectAfter(objectProps) {, objectProps); } /** * 'selectionCleared' event handler * @private */ _selectionCleared() {; } /** * 'selectionCreated' event handler * @param {Object} eventTarget - Fabric object * @private */ _selectionCreated(eventTarget) {, eventTarget); } /** * Register custom icons * @param {{iconType: string, pathValue: string}} infos - Infos to register icons * @example * imageEditor.registerIcons({ * customIcon: 'M 0 0 L 20 20 L 10 10 Z', * customArrow: 'M 60 0 L 120 60 H 90 L 75 45 V 180 H 45 V 45 L 30 60 H 0 Z' * }); */ registerIcons(infos) { this._graphics.registerPaths(infos); } /** * Change canvas cursor type * @param {string} cursorType - cursor type * @example * imageEditor.changeCursor('crosshair'); */ changeCursor(cursorType) { this._graphics.changeCursor(cursorType); } /** * Add icon on canvas * @param {string} type - Icon type ('arrow', 'cancel', custom icon name) * @param {Object} options - Icon options * @param {string} [options.fill] - Icon foreground color * @param {number} [options.left] - Icon x position * @param {number} [] - Icon y position * @returns {Promise<ObjectProps, ErrorMsg>} * @example * imageEditor.addIcon('arrow'); // The position is center on canvas * @example * imageEditor.addIcon('arrow', { * left: 100, * top: 100 * }).then(objectProps => { * console.log(; * }); */ addIcon(type, options) { options = options || {}; this._setPositions(options); return this.execute(commands.ADD_ICON, type, options); } /** * Change icon color * @param {number} id - object id * @param {string} color - Color for icon * @returns {Promise} * @example * imageEditor.changeIconColor(id, '#000000'); */ changeIconColor(id, color) { return this.execute(commands.CHANGE_ICON_COLOR, id, color); } /** * Remove an object or group by id * @param {number} id - object id * @returns {Promise} * @example * imageEditor.removeObject(id); */ removeObject(id) { return this.execute(commands.REMOVE_OBJECT, id); } /** * Whether it has the filter or not * @param {string} type - Filter type * @returns {boolean} true if it has the filter */ hasFilter(type) { return this._graphics.hasFilter(type); } /** * Remove filter on canvas image * @param {string} type - Filter type * @returns {Promise<FilterResult, ErrorMsg>} * @example * imageEditor.removeFilter('Grayscale').then(obj => { * console.log('filterType: ', obj.type); * console.log('actType: ', obj.action); * }).catch(message => { * console.log('error: ', message); * }); */ removeFilter(type) { return this.execute(commands.REMOVE_FILTER, type); } /** * Apply filter on canvas image * @param {string} type - Filter type * @param {Object} options - Options to apply filter * @param {number} options.maskObjId - masking image object id * @returns {Promise<FilterResult, ErrorMsg>} * @example * imageEditor.applyFilter('Grayscale'); * @example * imageEditor.applyFilter('mask', {maskObjId: id}).then(obj => { * console.log('filterType: ', obj.type); * console.log('actType: ', obj.action); * }).catch(message => { * console.log('error: ', message); * });; */ applyFilter(type, options) { return this.execute(commands.APPLY_FILTER, type, options); } /** * Get data url * @param {Object} options - options for toDataURL * @param {String} [options.format=png] The format of the output image. Either "jpeg" or "png" * @param {Number} [options.quality=1] Quality level (0..1). Only used for jpeg. * @param {Number} [options.multiplier=1] Multiplier to scale by * @param {Number} [options.left] Cropping left offset. Introduced in fabric v1.2.14 * @param {Number} [] Cropping top offset. Introduced in fabric v1.2.14 * @param {Number} [options.width] Cropping width. Introduced in fabric v1.2.14 * @param {Number} [options.height] Cropping height. Introduced in fabric v1.2.14 * @returns {string} A DOMString containing the requested data URI * @example * imgEl.src = imageEditor.toDataURL(); * * imageEditor.loadImageFromURL(imageEditor.toDataURL(), 'FilterImage').then(() => { * imageEditor.addImageObject(imgUrl); * }); */ toDataURL(options) { return this._graphics.toDataURL(options); } /** * Get image name * @returns {string} image name * @example * console.log(imageEditor.getImageName()); */ getImageName() { return this._graphics.getImageName(); } /** * Clear undoStack * @example * imageEditor.clearUndoStack(); */ clearUndoStack() { this._invoker.clearUndoStack(); } /** * Clear redoStack * @example * imageEditor.clearRedoStack(); */ clearRedoStack() { this._invoker.clearRedoStack(); } /** * Whehter the undo stack is empty or not * @returns {boolean} * imageEditor.isEmptyUndoStack(); */ isEmptyUndoStack() { return this._invoker.isEmptyUndoStack(); } /** * Whehter the redo stack is empty or not * @returns {boolean} * imageEditor.isEmptyRedoStack(); */ isEmptyRedoStack() { return this._invoker.isEmptyRedoStack(); } /** * Resize canvas dimension * @param {{width: number, height: number}} dimension - Max width & height * @returns {Promise} */ resizeCanvasDimension(dimension) { if (!dimension) { return Promise.reject(rejectMessages.invalidParameters); } return this.execute(commands.RESIZE_CANVAS_DIMENSION, dimension); } /** * Destroy */ destroy() { this.stopDrawingMode(); this._detachDomEvents(); this._graphics.destroy(); this._graphics = null; forEach(this, (value, key) => { this[key] = null; }, this); } /** * Set position * @param {Object} options - Position options (left or top) * @private */ _setPositions(options) { const centerPosition = this._graphics.getCenter(); if (isUndefined(options.left)) { options.left = centerPosition.left; } if (isUndefined( { =; } } /** * Set properties of active object * @param {number} id - object id * @param {Object} keyValue - key & value * @returns {Promise} * @example * imageEditor.setObjectProperties(id, { * left:100, * top:100, * width: 200, * height: 200, * opacity: 0.5 * }); */ setObjectProperties(id, keyValue) { return this.execute(commands.SET_OBJECT_PROPERTIES, id, keyValue); } /** * Set properties of active object, Do not leave an invoke history. * @param {number} id - object id * @param {Object} keyValue - key & value * @example * imageEditor.setObjectPropertiesQuietly(id, { * left:100, * top:100, * width: 200, * height: 200, * opacity: 0.5 * }); */ setObjectPropertiesQuietly(id, keyValue) { this._graphics.setObjectProperties(id, keyValue); } /** * Get properties of active object corresponding key * @param {number} id - object id * @param {Array<string>|ObjectProps|string} keys - property's key * @returns {ObjectProps} properties if id is valid or null * @example * var props = imageEditor.getObjectProperties(id, 'left'); * console.log(props); * @example * var props = imageEditor.getObjectProperties(id, ['left', 'top', 'width', 'height']); * console.log(props); * @example * var props = imageEditor.getObjectProperties(id, { * left: null, * top: null, * width: null, * height: null, * opacity: null * }); * console.log(props); */ getObjectProperties(id, keys) { const object = this._graphics.getObject(id); if (!object) { return null; } return this._graphics.getObjectProperties(id, keys); } /** * Get the canvas size * @returns {Object} {{width: number, height: number}} canvas size * @example * var canvasSize = imageEditor.getCanvasSize(); * console.log(canvasSize.width); * console.height(canvasSize.height); */ getCanvasSize() { return this._graphics.getCanvasSize(); } /** * Get object position by originX, originY * @param {number} id - object id * @param {string} originX - can be 'left', 'center', 'right' * @param {string} originY - can be 'top', 'center', 'bottom' * @returns {Object} {{x:number, y: number}} position by origin if id is valid, or null * @example * var position = imageEditor.getObjectPosition(id, 'left', 'top'); * console.log(position); */ getObjectPosition(id, originX, originY) { return this._graphics.getObjectPosition(id, originX, originY); } /** * Set object position by originX, originY * @param {number} id - object id * @param {Object} posInfo - position object * @param {number} posInfo.x - x position * @param {number} posInfo.y - y position * @param {string} posInfo.originX - can be 'left', 'center', 'right' * @param {string} posInfo.originY - can be 'top', 'center', 'bottom' * @returns {Promise} * @example * // align the object to 'left', 'top' * imageEditor.setObjectPosition(id, { * x: 0, * y: 0, * originX: 'left', * originY: 'top' * }); * @example * // align the object to 'right', 'top' * var canvasSize = imageEditor.getCanvasSize(); * imageEditor.setObjectPosition(id, { * x: canvasSize.width, * y: 0, * originX: 'right', * originY: 'top' * }); * @example * // align the object to 'left', 'bottom' * var canvasSize = imageEditor.getCanvasSize(); * imageEditor.setObjectPosition(id, { * x: 0, * y: canvasSize.height, * originX: 'left', * originY: 'bottom' * }); * @example * // align the object to 'right', 'bottom' * var canvasSize = imageEditor.getCanvasSize(); * imageEditor.setObjectPosition(id, { * x: canvasSize.width, * y: canvasSize.height, * originX: 'right', * originY: 'bottom' * }); */ setObjectPosition(id, posInfo) { return this.execute(commands.SET_OBJECT_POSITION, id, posInfo); } } action.mixin(ImageEditor); CustomEvents.mixin(ImageEditor); module.exports = ImageEditor;