PHP Classes


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  Classes of Eric Sizemore   Utility   Download  
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/markdown
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Utility
Collection of various PHP utility functions
Author: By
Last change: cleanup passthrough
Small updates to formatting/CS

Adds coverage
Date: 11 days ago
Size: 11,328 bytes


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A not so exhaustive list of changes for each release.

For a more detailed listing of changes between each version, you can use the following url:

Simply replace the version numbers depending on which set of changes you wish to see.

2.0.1 (work in progress)

* Implemented various PHPCS-Fixer recommendations. * Updated coding style via .php-cs-fixer.dist.php, and as a result, implemented those changes throughout the library. * Changed the header being used for all files to something smaller, and more simple. * Bumped version requirement for the PHPUnit dev-dependency to 11.1 * Updated tests github workflow to add uploading coverage data to * Added's Renovate to workflow

2.0.0 (2024-03-04)

* Utility has undergone a complete restructuring. * src/Utility/Utility.php no longer exists. The class has been broken down into smaller classes or "components":

* src/Utility/Arrays.php
* src/Utility/Conversion.php
* src/Utility/Dates.php
* src/Utility/Environment.php
* src/Utility/Filesystem.php
* src/Utility/Image.php
* src/Utility/Numbers.php
* src/Utility/Strings.php

* Made a great improvement in code coverage/testing * Effort to improve documentation, which can be found in docs/ or online here * Filesystem::lineCounter() (Utility::lineCounter() in Utility < 2.0) no longer has a $skipEmpty parameter. It will now always skip empty lines.

* Replaced the use of `file()` with `SplFileObject` and flags `SplFileObject::READ_AHEAD | SplFileObject::SKIP_EMPTY | SplFileObject::DROP_NEW_LINE`
  * Should be more efficient, especially for larger files.

* Numbers::sizeFormat() (Utility::sizeFormat() in Utility < 2.0) has a new option:

* Numbers::sizeFormat(int $bytes, int $precision = 0, string $system = 'binary'): string
* System can be one of 'binary' or 'metric' and it determines the base/mod for the formatting.

* Updated tests to use PHPUnit's CoversClass and DataProvider attributes.

* Changed `$this` to `self::` in tests when calling PHPUnit methods

* Updated composer.json to support PHP 8.2 - 8.4

* Added PHPStan strict rules to dev dependencies
* Updated workflows to introduce testing on PHP 8.4

* Bump copyright year. * New constants added to the Conversion class:

     * @var int EARTH_RADIUS          Earth's radius, in meters.
     * @var int METERS_TO_KILOMETERS  Used in the conversion of meters to kilometers.
     * @var int METERS_TO_MILES       Used in the conversion of meters to miles.
    public const EARTH_RADIUS = 6_370_986;
    public const METERS_TO_KILOMETERS = 1000;
    public const METERS_TO_MILES = 1609.344;

* These are mainly used in the Conversion::haversineDistance() function at the moment.

* New constant added to the Dates class:

     * Regex used to validate a given timestamp.
    public const VALIDATE_TIMESTAMP_REGEX = '/^\d{8,11}$/';

* Added new constants to the Environment class:

     * The default list of headers that Environment::getIpAddress() checks for.
     * @var array<string> IP_ADDRESS_HEADERS
    public const IP_ADDRESS_HEADERS = [
        'cloudflare' => 'HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP',
        'forwarded'  => 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR',
        'realip'     => 'HTTP_X_REAL_IP',
        'client'     => 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP',
        'default'    => 'REMOTE_ADDR'

     * A list of headers that Environment::host() checks to determine hostname, with a default of 'localhost'
     * if it cannot make a determination.
     * @var array<string> HOST_HEADERS
    public const HOST_HEADERS = [
        'forwarded' => 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST',
        'server'    => 'SERVER_NAME',
        'host'      => 'HTTP_HOST',
        'default'   => 'localhost'

     * A list of headers that Environment::url() checks for and uses to build a URL.
     * @var array<string> URL_HEADERS
    public const URL_HEADERS = [
        'authuser' => 'PHP_AUTH_USER',
        'authpw'   => 'PHP_AUTH_PW',
        'port'     => 'SERVER_PORT',
        'self'     => 'PHP_SELF',
        'query'    => 'QUERY_STRING',
        'request'  => 'REQUEST_URI'

     * A list of headers that Environment::isHttps() checks for to determine if current
     * environment is under SSL.
     * @var array<string> HTTPS_HEADERS
    public const HTTPS_HEADERS = [
        'default'   => 'HTTPS',
        'forwarded' => 'X-Forwarded-Proto',
        'frontend'  => 'Front-End-Https'

     * A list of options/headers used by Environment::requestMethod() to determine
     * current request method.
     * @var array<string> REQUEST_HEADERS
    public const REQUEST_HEADERS = [
        'override' => 'HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE',
        'method'   => 'REQUEST_METHOD',
        'default'  => 'GET'

* Added a new constant to the Image class:

     * Image type/mime strings to determine image type.
     * @var array<string, array<string>> IMAGE_TYPES
    public const IMAGE_TYPES = [
        'jpg'  => ['image/jpg', 'image/jpeg'],
        'gif'  => ['image/gif'],
        'png'  => ['image/png'],
        'webp' => ['image/webp'],

* Added new constants to the Numbers class:

     * Ordinal suffixes.
     * @var array<string> SUFFIXES
    public const SUFFIXES = ['th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd'];

     * Standards units.
     * @var array<string, array<string>> SIZE_FORMAT_UNITS
    public const SIZE_FORMAT_UNITS = [
        'binary' => ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB'],
        'metric' => ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'],

* Updated Strings::ascii(), Strings::slugify().

* Added `voku/portable-ascii` as a dependency.
* These functions now accept a new parameter: `$language`. If a language specific set of characters exists, it will use those within `slugify` and `ascii`.

* Due to using voku/portable-ascii as a dependency, Strings::charMap() was removed. * Updated StringsTest with these changes. * Updated Environment, added new constants, and updated the functions/tests using them:

     * Default https/http port numbers.
     * @var int PORT_SECURE
     * @var int PORT_UNSECURE
    public const PORT_SECURE = 443;
    public const PORT_UNSECURE = 80;

     * Regex used by Environment::host() to validate a hostname.
     * @var string VALIDATE_HOST_REGEX
    public const VALIDATE_HOST_REGEX = '#^\[?(?:[a-z0-9-:\]_]+\.?)+$#';

     * Maps values to their boolean equivalent for Environment::iniGet(standardize: true)
     * @var array<string> BOOLEAN_MAPPINGS
    public const BOOLEAN_MAPPINGS = [
        'yes'   => '1',
        'on'    => '1',
        'true'  => '1',
        '1'     => '1',
        'no'    => '0',
        'off'   => '0',
        'false' => '0',
        '0'     => '0',

* Updated Numbers, added new constants:

     * Constants for Numbers::sizeFormat(). Sets bases and modifier for the conversion.
     * @var int   BINARY_STANDARD_BASE
     * @var int   METRIC_STANDARD_BASE
     * @var float CONVERSION_MODIFIER
    public const BINARY_STANDARD_BASE = 1024;
    public const METRIC_STANDARD_BASE = 1000;
    public const CONVERSION_MODIFIER = 0.9;

* Arrays::exists is now Arrays::keyExists

* Added new function `Arrays:valueExists`

* Updated composer.json for the test script, and moved all the phpunit command line options to the relevant options in the phpunit.xml xml config.

Branch 1.3.x Changelog

1.3.0 (2023-12-11)

* currentUrl() no longer has any parameters, and just returns the URL string.

* currentUrl(bool $parse = false) is now just currentUrl()
* Just run parse_url(Utility::currentUrl()) if that functionality is needed.

* serverHttpVars() deprecated, just use getallheaders() instead.

* Added ralouphie/getallheaders as a polyfill, for situations where the SAPI is not Apache
* serverHttpVars() will just return the getallheaders() output

* Removed deprecated statusHeader() * Code cleanup per PHPCS and PHPScrutinizer

* Small refactoring of some functions, such as currentUrl and isReallyWritable

* Attempt at increasing test coverage. * Further cleanup to try and adhere to PSR-12.

* Adding information into for PHPDoc related guidelines, in an effort
  to adhere to PSR-5 and PSR-19.

1.2.0 (2023-09-22)

* Code cleanup per PHPStan (level: 9, strict, bleeding edge) * New function arrayInterlace * doesContain() and doesNotContain() now uses the PHP 8 native str_contains() function.

* No longer relies on mbstring for these two functions, as it does not appear to be necessary.
* However, you can pass true to the $multibyte parameter to use mbstring
* New signature: `(string $haystack, string $needle, bool $insensitive = false, bool $multibyte = false)`

* beginsWith() and endsWith() now uses the PHP 8 native str_starts_with() and str_ends_with() functions.

* No longer relies on mbstring for these two functions, as it does not appear to be necessary.
* However, you can pass true to the $multibyte parameter to use mbstring
* New signature: `(string $haystack, string $needle, bool $insensitive = false, bool $multibyte = false)`

* New functions for temperature conversions:

* fahrenheitToCelsius, celsiusToFahrenheit, celsiusToKelvin, kelvinToCelsius, fahrenheitToKelvin, kelvinToFahrenheit
* fahrenheitToRankine, rankineToFahrenheit, celsiusToRankine, rankineToCelsius, kelvinToRankine, rankineToKelvin

* Reworked arrayFlatten, now has new parameter $prepend * statusHeader() is now deprecated, you can use PHP's built-in http_response_code function instead. * validJson() should now return properly * Initial implementation of PHPUnit and the testing suite.

1.1.2 (2023-08-17)

* Version bump * Minor code cleanup

1.1.1 (2023-08-11)

* Version bump * Cleaning up issues per PHPStan

1.1.0 (2023-06-24)

* Version bump * Bumped PHP version requirement to 8.2 * Updated composer.json * FIX: Minor documentation improvements. * FIX: Minor code improvements. * BC BREAK: randomBytes, randomInt, randomString and guid now throw \Random\RandomException

1.0.3 (2023-06-03)

* Updated copyright year(s) and version bump. * Bumped PHP version requirement. * Updated composer.json * FIX: Minor documentation improvements. * FIX: Minor code improvements. * FIX: Some functions not defined/used properly.

1.0.2 (2021-08-20)

* Updated copyright year(s) and version bump. * FIX: Minor documentation improvements.

1.0.1 (2019-04-07)

* FEATURE: New functions - lcfirst, ucfirst, strcasecmp * FIX: Minor documentation improvements.

1.0.0 (2017-02-08)

* Initial release